The Self Mastery Method

The Self Mastery Method: Healing that ONE specific block to manifest authentic love and relationships, whole wellbeing and the ultimate fulfilling life.

This is THE coaching container that is only and all about the ONE thing that is beneath all of your undesirable patterns or blocks, feelings and experiences in the way of manifesting your desires in love, relationships and life right now. No matter the confusion, where it came from, why it began or what and how many different forms and disguises it has, or what name we give it these days. It is and always is - all down to ONE thing, a belief from a set of experiences driving it all, and we can now change it. We can quickly find it unlearn it, rewire it and re-write the present and future, together.

Whether you’re a CEO or at college, or have a struggling child, or a stay at home mum or an entrepreneur. The same applies to everyone. None of us are immune to it, at some point in our lives, then or now, we’ve all felt or feel like we’re stuck, as thought something is in the way of love, our transformations we want, and a fulfilling life. This unresolved “thing” within ourselves manifests in our thoughts, interferes with our feelings, our actions and behaviours, therefore all of our experiences in life, all too well but we still can’t get to the bottom of it or break free from it despite trying so many things.

Is what you’re experiencing currently affecting how you feel about yourself, or how you feel generally? Does it affect the way you give and receive love, or experience relationships and life experiences as a whole? Do you feel you have impediments to your performance, wellbeing and vitality too?

This is for you if you are wanting transformation and wellbeing in all or any of these areas. It’s for you if you’re wanting the balance; Wanting the love and beautiful relationships in life. Wanting healing from old pain and patterns to transform your life experiences. Or if you’re wanting internal peace and freedom. Increased performance. More reserve and vitality for better wellbeing mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Come and join me, if you’re ready to heal and transform your being and doing, and manifest the ultimate fulfilling life.

I believe in this process so deeply and strongly, that I know if you surrender to, and follow the process, embodying it fully 100% - it’ll create the immediate shifts you desire.

If after completing ‘The Self Mastery Edition’ and fulfilling every part of it - you don’t experience any shifts. You’ll receive a refund.

With love.

  • Do you struggle with all things love (with self and others), in relationship harmony, peace and intimacy and or, are you suffering from heartache and feel stuck in a debilitating story? Or are you looking for love but it’s not happening for you?

  • Do you have patterns and hereditary wounds that negatively affect aspects of you, your relationships and your life, that you’d like to be free from to transform and manifest your desires in love, and life as a whole.

  • Do have an emotional impediment to your performance that you’d like to dissolve and transform into empowered and increased performance, with internal peace.

  • Do you have impediments to your wellbeing that you’ve struggled to find answers to, now feeling ready to empower your health, and experience your own transformations for good?

  • Do you want to tap in to new levels of personal resource and internal intelligence’s to increase awareness and higher and deeper levels of consciousness and experience the true sense of the meaning - unlimited human potential, to experience a truly fulfilling life and experiences?

  • Is it time for a change, to make more meaning and purpose in love, relationship and life?

  • Do you want to learn how to listen to, trust and use your intuition as a tool to guide you?

  • Do you need immediate and lasting change?


“We go about life as though things can wait like time is plentiful. It really isn’t. We don’t get time back. Make each breath and moment count. Live life fully, truly, authentically and meaningfully, now.”

Jessie Rose - Founder

The quality of your life, relationships and experiences of yourself and life in general, is all determined by the quality of the relationship you have with yourself. Which is influenced by the health of your nervous system. I coach your nervous system, other internal intelligence’s; the heart, the gut and the reproductive system, and heal the relationship with self, and all that sits in the way of that - that ultimately interferes with your internal environment, thus your whole life. This container is about mastering self, the relationship with yourself, therefore your life, so you can have that internal peace, clarity, the ultimate life fulfilment in love and life’s experiences, and so you can bring your purpose, and your vision of how you want life to be to life, with a clear pathway. Now.


“The Self Mastery Method” is a neuroscience-based and multidisciplinary science backed intuitive approach to healing, that frees you from:

  • All restrictive patterns and beliefs that block you from what you want and deserve in love and life.

  • Self sabotaging thoughts and choices. Compulsive behaviour, inaction and impulsive action.

  • Confusion, lack of creativity, procrastination and unawareness.

  • Deep hereditary wounds, and wounds from recent or long-standing heartache.

  • Fear, lack of self trust, lack of courage, lack of clarity of identity and not knowing.

  • Mental deprivation and living in self denial.

  • Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual restriction.

  • Emotional restrictions in performance in any area of life.

Who is The Self Mastery Method process for?

  • Individuals who want to make a difference in their life, and the world.

  • Individuals who want to identify their gift and pathway to live their purpose and serve.

  • Individuals who want to heal their mother and or father wounds.

  • Individuals who are ready to have a healthy relationship with themselves, for healthy relationships with others and ready to experience true authentic love.

  • Individuals who are looking for a higher, healthy performance.

  • Individuals who are aware of mental and emotional impediments to their wellbeing and know they can change it but do not know how.

  • Individuals who want to tap into new levels of intelligence for increased awareness, consciousness and intuition as a source of personal guidance and meaningful leadership.

This is a private coaching course. No nonsense, undiluted, no pdf’s, groups or being left to your own devises - all focus and attention on you and your desire, 1-1 process with me. This is the only transformation course like this out there. Where you have unlimited contact to get unstuck through out your process for maximum results. I only take on a few at a time, to make sure you have the unlimited guidance and attention to fulfil your desire, and to ensure the integrity of your process. So it remains a precious process to you. It is at this new offer price until it increases. I look forward to working with you on this next chapter of you, in love, and your life.

In this process you will be coached and learn:

  • How you’ve been wired and how to turn the past effects of pain into your unique super powers, and to your unique advantage.

  • Where it all came from, how we’re programmed and how to change it, easily. The quick way.

  • The surprising sources of your undiscovered multiple sources of intelligences, their prime functions and how to use them to your benefit in ALL, and I mean ALL areas of life. This will blow you away!! It’ll bring a whole new meaning to your being, in how you’re becoming, to your health, your performance in love and your relationships. Ultimately, your whole life!!

  • How to trust your own intuition and how to learn the use of it as a guide for yourself, in love and relationships, in your choices, in your purpose led business, and in leadership.

  • How to listen to tap into that wisdom of your body and access higher levels of not only intelligence, but awareness and higher consciousness. At any time and point of your day or situation.

  • How to become your own therapist for life, and rewire your own programming for you and the people you love around you.

  • How to heal and love fully and safely. How to heal from heartache. How to embrace intimacy and relationships whole heartedly, and how to connect to your true self, for true love.

  • How to save a relationship.

  • How to increase wellbeing and vitality and how to heal emotional pain induced physical symptoms.

  • How to increase performance, resilience and recovery.

  • How to discover your purpose, and how to give that an identity, clarity, and how to create personal strategies to create a clear pathway to bring that vision into being.

This is a powerful, and potent process which is safe, practical and immediate in its results. This is the “ONE STOP” process to heal. To gain your desired success and fulfilment in all areas of life. Whether that be in your relationship with self and relationships in love, with your health, or purpose, or your performance. Even all of the above - I’ll be guiding you home to you, eliminating the interference, unlocking your limitless human potential for the life of your wildest dreams and deepest fulfilment. You’ll see just by changing this one block underneath it all, how fast your whole life changes. You can’t change this one thing, without the rest of your life being positively impacted and transformed.

“We’re all being and becoming. What matters is, who are you becoming, who do you want to become? What CAN you do about it? What is available to you? This life is short, it’s meant to be lived meaningfully, and fully. Begin it now...”

Jessie Rose – Founder of JR Personal Development Ltd

Questions people are asking:

  • Yes you can! I want to make this process comfortable for you. With this particular course, you can pay in 2 x instalments. Email me here to receive your personal invoice and agreement together. You may add any additional questions your may have to this email here too.

  • You will know when it works, immediately. The discoveries and breakthroughs are unmistakable. You will experience immediate results within your first session. The following sessions will support that change and growth.

  • You’ll need to head over to the application form on my “Collaboration” section. Go to the bottom of the page and you will see a link to a form, fill this in and send it back to me. You’ll be sent an email to tell you if you’ve been invited to a discovery call with me. My yearly containers are currently in high demand but I only offer up two spaces each year, so if you do receive an invitation. Please make sure you can make the call. I don’t resend any invitation. Thank you warmly.

  • It does work! If you fully surrender to the coaching and If you have fully embodied every element of the process every day, all together along with all the coaching you’ve committed to and you have incorporated all of the personal strategies given to you, it’ll work. Yet if you do all this, which will be transparent - and it still doesn’t work for you, we’ll work together until it does. If then then for a miracle reason it doesn’t work for you, you will get a refund. Either which way, it is a win/ win/win for you!

  • You will have unlimited access via email only and free 10 minute calls where appropriate. I will personally get back to you, within my UK working hours. You will be fully and safely supported all the way through this intensive container.

  • Your sessions run once a week. They are for one hour but sometimes we go over. So please allow for some extra time. The unlimited access outside of your sessions can be every day.

  • We will be doing breath-work together. Rewiring old patterns and doing lots of healing. Please do not eat an hour before or after your session if possible. That includes stimulants and suppressants like caffeine, alcohol and smoking of any kind or any natural or otherwise sedatives. Because these will interfere with your processing significantly. Expect breakthroughs, more wisdom, change, exercises, some tiredness, and then more energy than you’ve ever had before. Expect healing and rapid change. Expect your outcome.

  • I strongly advise not to. If you need to due to a family emergency or your own illness, then you have no choice. We are working at a really deep level. neurologically, emotionally and physically and spiritually. It is deep as it gets. So it is advisable to not interrupt the intensive healing journey, and the new pattern breaks and healthy habits forming, to fully benefit and allow your system to heal and the neurological networks to take hold, grow and develop and stick.

If you have your own questions to ask, email me here.

I’m your Coach, Jessie Rose.

Hello and welcome!

I am so excited that you are here and taking action to reveal and claim the next chapter of you, and your life on new terms, to steer your life in a new exciting and meaningful direction. Removing all those blocks and the confusion once and for all for your desire right now.

This is not only close to my heart, it is at the heart of all my coaching containers. Here you have it in an intensive mastery dose. It is THE THING that can and does, change everything for us in life. In all areas. This is the one thing that created the shift I needed to survive. Going through all the layers of pain and limitation to what I call HOME, to live. Without the clarity and feeling good enough, there was no way or reason to fight to survive. With this, you get to change everything for you, thus your whole life. In one area, or all of these areas. I look forward to sharing this very precious process with you. For your long awaited and ultimate life fulfilment.

Together we’ll heal your foundation, and raise your vibration to safely change your world. So you can make a difference. You need you authentically now, and so does the world.

With love,


What they’ve been saying

Change your life, your relationships and your life experiences with these world leading science backed and based, holistic processes.

Unlock multiple sources of your intuitive intelligences to make wiser decisions, to know yourself more deeply and intimately, and to learn how to transform your relationships, and ultimately every area of your being, and life. Learn how to live abundantly, whilst being true to yourself and your purpose.

Are you ready to claim this new chapter of you, your body, health, relationships and all life experiences, on your new and improved terms?

Bonuses you’ll receive

  • Support

    Unlimited access to support everyday within working hours, via email between your sessions, to the potential value of £600.00 You wont find this anywhere else. Please note, this isn’t the same support access as the three month courses or yearly container.

  • Breath Work Course

    You get the principles of my breath work course (Coming Home Through Breath & Presence) included to the value of £500.00

  • I Am Love Process

    You get the “Learning to become your own therapist” container of my ‘Coming Home’ coaching course to the value of £2000.

  • Extras

    There will be some surprise extra bonus’s to support you throughout your journey with me, which will be tailored to your personal needs.

    You are automatically making a saving of £1970.00 by signing up early in the early bird period.

    You’ll get all of these bonuses to the total of £5070.00 on top of The Self Mastery investment. For free. All for £1100,00 if you sign up by the 31st of September 2023.