1–1 Innergetics Coaching
mBraining Innergetics: Weight loss or overcoming problems with eating.
This is an intensive, and unlimited 1-1 support process with Jessie herself. This is available in a three month, and a six month process. A yearly course is available, on invitation only. This is unique container which you wont find anywhere else, as you’ll have unlimited access to Jessie for constant support through the duration of the whole container, with follow up care following your completion. You’ll be held at every turn.
Welcome to your new body, the real you, and your new found life, peace and freedom. Hello to healthy relationships; With food, with yourself, romantically, and with loved ones. Here you’ll learn how to become your own therapist for life, which is a gift for yourself and, for your family. Come and discover unlocked and unlimited potential. See how this process positively effects you in your being and doing, your relationships and ultimately, in your whole life.
We believe in this process so strongly, that we know if you follow the process and embody it fully, it’ll work for you better than you can possibly imagine. So if after learning and embodying the process, you have no results. We will give you 100% of your money back.
Do you struggle to make decisions or take action sometimes?
Do you struggle with diets, food or weight issues?
Would you like to take control of your eating with total choice?
Learn to deeply connect with your gut wisdom.
Enjoy abundant energy, a healthy body and your optimal body shape, and size.
Recapture the pleasure of eating.
Empower yourself to reconnect to gut intelligence and freedom.
Restore your body’s natural balance and attractive appearance.
“Eating is natural, it’s pleasurable, gives energy and was never meant to interfere with our creative minds.”
Shirley Billigmeier - Founder
Our relationship to food is a central one that reflects our gut-based attitudes toward our environment and ourselves. As a practice, embodied mindful eating can bring us awareness of our own actions, thoughts, feelings and motivations and deep insights into the core roots of health and contentment.
Innergetics is a neuroscience-based intuitive
approach to eating that liberates you from:
Restrictive diets.
Compulsive eating.
Obsessing with weight or body image.
Guilt about food.
Cumbersome eating decisions and habits.
Erosion of your creative mind.
Who is this coaching process for?
People who want to take control of their body and their life.
Individuals who want to take control of their own eating and relationship to food.
Anyone who wants to take control of how they nourish themselves.
Anyone who wants to connect with and empower their gut wisdom and gut-based intuitive intelligence.
mBraining Innergetics Coaching is informed by the action research, evidence based field of mBIT coaching combined with the deep practices of the Innergetics – Inner Eating Programme. Innergetics empowers you to reconnect with your body’s intuitive signals in order to reclaim your rightful ownership of eating. Nourishing the body is a natural process. Learn a step by step process for inner eating and reclaim your body, your motivation and your life. To share your process with your partner or members of your family, opt in here.
In this process you will be coached and learn:
The emotional, physical and social reasons people diet.
Why diets must and do fail.
How to identify, understand and cope with individual eating patterns.
How to deal with interference eating.
How to enjoy and not want to eat more than your body needs.
How to understand the connections between body image emotions, thoughts, actions and environment to eating.
How to change compulsive eating to ownership eating and win the battle of the stomach vs. brain.
How to recapture the joy of eating and moment with total freedom.
How to connect deeply with your gut brain and empower and embody it’s total intelligence.
This provides a practical step-by-step process that allows individuals to recognise eating patterns, control their own eating, enjoy their favourite foods, stop feeling guilty about eating and much, much more.
“Innergetics brings a whole new meaning to intuitive eating.”
Jessie Rose – Founder of JR Personal Development Ltd
Questions people are asking
Yes you can! With this course, you can pay in 3 x instalments! I want to make it easier and as comfortable as possible for you. Email me here to receive your personal invoice and agreement with me, to your inbox.
This is a very clever scientific process. Each element of the process works if you use them all together, and fully embody them. Everyday. It’s guaranteed. You will love the results.
You’ll need to head over to the application form on my “ work with me section”. Fill this in and send it to me. If I feel you are a good fit for the container, and likewise, if I feel I am a good fit for you, you’ll then be invited to a discovery call. My yearly containers are in hight demand but I only offer up two spaces each year, so if you do receive an invitation. Please make sure you can make the call. I don’t resend any invitation. Thank you.
It does work! If you have fully embodied, and do every element of the process every day, all together along with all the coaching you’ve committed to and you have incorporated all of the personal strategies given to you, it’ll work. Yet if you do all this, which will be transparent - and it still doesn’t work for you, you will get a refund. Or, if you discover a proven medical reason for not loosing weight, or for you body not to be able to balance out if you are someone who disorders with food and has no excess weight, you will get a refund.
When you sign up to my 1-1 containers. You will be given a link to an app I use which allows us to have instant voice contact. You are allowed to use this as much as you need between your weekly sessions (providing this happens within sociable hours) if you need some help “getting unstuck” and need that extra little bit of support or wisdom during “emergencies”. All non emergencies you can email me. You wont find a process like it anywhere else, where you are so fully guided and supported at every turn in your journey.
Your sessions run once a week. They are for one hour but sometimes we go over. So please allow for some extra time. The unlimited access outside of your sessions can be every day.
You will learn the science in why nothing has worked so far, and how this will work now. In every session we heal another layer deeper, removing years of emotional interference.
You will receive lots of insight and enlightenment into your being and doing so you can reclaim yourself and your life, once more.
You will be healing, session by session being set free from old hereditary patterns that have kept you stuck all these years.
You will get wonderful breakthroughs, and personal strategies to move forward in life, free and unashamedly you.
You will be learning to become your own therapist, so you can heal yourself for life, and you can help your family and loved ones with this gift too.
You will regain an intimate and loving relationship with yourself, which ultimately heals all your relationships, they way you need to how ever you purposefully manifest.
You will discover the wisdom of your body, and unlock unlimited human potential.
You will learn how to tap into, and trust your intuition and find new levels of intelligence, peace, happiness, joy, love, safety, structure and wisdom.
You will heal your disordering relationship with food and with the people in your life.
You will see your body back to its true and meant to be - shape, size and to a healthier state.
And so much more. Watch your life light up.
The rest is a pleasant surprise, waiting to be discovered by you.
I strongly advise not to. If you need to due to a family emergency or and your own illness, then you have no choice. We are working at a really deep level. neurologically, emotionally and physically. It is deep as it gets. So it is advisable to not interrupt the intensive healing journey, and the new pattern breaks and healthy habits forming, to fully benefit and allow the neurological networks to take hold, grow and develop.
If you have your own questions to ask, email me here.
I’m Jessie Rose
Hello to you, and welcome, I am so glad you are here!
Innergetics is close to my heart. I have personally lived this process for years, so I can truly support you knowing what it is like to live it. I have had yet even more deep turnarounds and transformations that have positively and deeply impacted me, my health and my life in a tremendous way. My body, mind and soul found even more deep and meaningful balance and connection, and even more freedom and peace. My body is as it is meant to be. I am now more than ever, unashamedly myself, and so will you be while you learn to love yourself, your body and your life again.
You may find your are intuitively pulled toward this process like I was to learn it. Listen to that, you may find more signs to follow that will lead you to begin your Innergetics transformation.
I look forward to telling you my wonderfully bizarre story which led me to to learn this process and what happened next. I can’t wait to meet you! Book in for a discovery call if you would like to talk out your questions with me.
What they’ve been saying
Change your life with this world-leading neuroscience based process.
Learn to use all three of your brains and intuitive intelligences to make wiser eating decisions and watch this flow into every other area of your life. Gain a new found energy and motivation to deeply embody your gut intelligence at the core identity level.
Are you ready to claim yourself, your body, your health and your life back, on your terms?
Bonuses you’ll receive
Unlimited access to support everyday within working hours, between your sessions, to the potential value of £15,345. You wont find this anywhere else.
Breath Work Course
You get the principles of my breath work course (Coming Home - Through Breath And Presence) included to the value of £500.00
I Am Love Process
You get the “Learning to become your own therapist” container of my coming home coaching course to the value of £2000.
There will be some extra bonus’s to support you throughout your journey with me, which will be tailored to your personal needs.
All to the total of £17,845 on top of the Innergetics 1-1 investment. For free.