Thank you for coming by and giving your time to read my message on this page. There are so many individuals of all ages and particularly young families whom I encounter, who are facing significant relational challenges, of all kinds which significantly impact most if not all areas of their lives. These people are seeking mental, emotional and physical healing with a new pathway to a harmonious, happy, healthy, safe, peaceful and healthy future, in health, family relationship and ultimately - all relationships including their own, with themselves, and a promising, exciting future in their career choices, ultimaltey in all life choices. However, they are unable to contribute in anyway. Pressing matters also mean they can’t wait the length of time on a waiting list, for a service they’ve found – is unable to help them systemically. They need something more immediate, and so often, it is the whole family that needs support.
In the past, from the kindness of peoples hearts, my company has received donations to help serve these families. So I have now set up this page, to make it simple and straightforward for kind hearted and generous people like you, to donate in order to help support these young individuals and families, to a happier, whole and healthier life and future. The money will pay for the right coaching containers for these families, and will see the young men and women with young children, get the systemic help they need. Please do get in touch to find out a bit more about it.
Please contact me here if you you have some questions of your own, and if you would like some more information before making a donation.
Any donation, big or small – is received with the greatest warmth and gratitude.
With love, Jessie Rose.
Your personal information:
We do not collect and store your personal information such as; Your phone number, your name, or your email address. Your email address is only stored highly securely and privately, if you have opt’d into our newsletter. This is only obtained if you have supplied this voluntarily. You may opt out of his arrangement at any time.
Contact information provided from yourself to us via this website such as; Your email, phone number and in some circumstances, again only when given voluntarily - your address, is only used to process payments, requests, or for us to send you information about us and our services to our contracted clients. Not under any circumstance will we share any of this personal information with any other person or business. On completion of our contract together or after receipt of any payment or donation, your details will be permanently deleted, immediately.